Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ethical Management Essay

This essay seeks to identify the study of ethical management on a broad scope, and to specifically sieve out the issues which are common within the banking sector. This would include a case study on UBS and ethical problems which UBS have faced. As ethics cannot be divorced entirely from the study of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, this essay will also feature a look at banks, and their decisions which might be been unethical. The Study of Ethical Management While there might be many reasons why unethical behaviour happens, this essay would be looking at three of them in particular: 1) Personal Gain, 2) Strong Organisational Identification, and 3) Personality. . To examine the relationship between organizations and why ethical issues occur within them, we first define the term â€Å"Business† and â€Å"Businessperson†. The book, â€Å"Business Ethics†, written by William(2008), states that a business can represent and range from a start-up venture by some students, to a multinational corporation. Businessperson might be a sole proprietor running a business for themselves, or a CEO responsible for a multinational corporation. To take a broader view, we view the businesspeople under the personal point of view, and couple them with the other individuals who are within the organization. This would allow us to see why unethical behaviour can derive not only from the top management, but from every aspect of the organization. To expound on the individual, we refer to the book written by Schminke(2010), â€Å"Managerial Ethics†, where he identified â€Å"four individual decision-making styles†. The first belongs to an individualist mentality, this mentality ignores the stakeholders. The second mentality is altruistic, where the benefit of others is of the essence. The third group is the pragmatists, and lastly, the idealist, whose decisions are governed by principles and rules. Common Ethical issues faced in the Banking sector 1) Insiders Trading Insider trading, defined by Cornell University Law School, is when company’s stocks or other securities are traded by individuals who have access to undisclosed and confidential information. These individuals are known as insiders. To better comprehend the concerns of insider trading, we refer to the paper by Yulong & Huey-Lian(1998). Two things must first be addressed. First, who do these insiders refer to? Secondly, how is insider trading illegal? By definition from the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission(S. E. C. ), insiders are, â€Å"chairmen, directors, officers, etc. , and principal shareholders with 10 percent or more of their own firm’s common stock†. People in these positions are likely to be able to gain access to the firm’s undisclosed information. However, not all insiders trading are illegal. For example, managers of firms can often purchase its own firm’s stocks to increase their own individual share and voting power within the firm. This train of thought also believes that the more stock of the firm the manager holds, the greater their ownership and thus a higher work morale is derived from it. Insiders are still allowed to purchase its own firm’s stock, if they truly believe that it is a good investment. Insider trading becomes illegal however, when trades are made by insiders with the prior knowledge of an announcement for the investor’s personal gain. When an act as such is committed, insider trading becomes illegal. This action is deemed unethical as it is unfair to investors who do not possess the material information. Other transgressions can include the handling of undisclosed firm’s information from a firm’s insider to a public investor. For a trade to occur under the basis of the privileged information, and for the recipient to have personally gained from the trade, both parties can be charged under the S. E. C. ’s regulation of Fair Disclosure. An example of illegal insider trading within banks can be seen from as recently as January 16, 2014, where David Michael Gutman from J. P. Morgan colluded with Christopher John Tyndall from Meyers Associates. As â€Å"long time close personal friends†, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA) discovered that Gutman had shared material, undisclosed information with Tyndall over a span of 19 months. This information included pending corporate mergers and acquisition transactions, which allowed Tyndall to make informed, no-risk trading using personal and family accounts. Quoting from Cameron K. Funkhouser, he said, â€Å"David Gutman had the keys to the kingdom through his position at J. P. Morgan as a gatekeeper.. †, we can see to how unethical behaviour driven by an individual in the position of power, can taint the image of the firm. Enforcements have been put in place to prevent and to deter insiders from carrying out such behaviours. The SEC has instituted new rules, 10b5-1 and 10b5-2 under the code of Federal Regulations, and the enforcement of these regulations being made global just recently in 2013 after the insider trading inquiry regarding the acquisition of H. J. Heinz Company. 2) Profits before Ethics The relationship between business ethics and profits can be complicated at times. Profits values will sometimes conflict with ethical values which will lead to unethical business behaviour in the manager’s bid to raise profits within the firm, consequentially affecting the firm’s stakeholders. Watkins (2011) brings about the argument that for those who ethics concerns, the chase of pecuniary values creates a potential compromise between social ethics and profitable opportunities, a factor that links to the Goldman Rule. The rule states that the greater the profitable opportunities, the higher the opportunity cost for the firm to consider ethical behaviours. This is further described by Weber (2006), as he states that companies are not evaluated on their success based on â€Å"their reputation for ethics†, but on the basis of profitability. It is plausible now to see why banks are driven by a sole concern for profit and to raise the value of their stock. With that in mind, what are some ethical boundaries a bank could trespass upon? As a corporation whose sole objective is to increase profit, they carries the potential turn a blind eye to internal ethics; explained in the book by Reynolds (2011) titled, â€Å"Ethics in Investment Banking†, which defines internal ethics as ethical considerations in regards to their employees’ welfare and the considerations in the use of the shareholder resources. These transgressions can range in forms of overworking employees, to an audit coverage of losses to portray a higher stock market price. As individuals looking for greater profits either for self or the firm, especially under the investment wings of banks, individuals can turn rogue and make unauthorised transactions which goes beyond the risk limits of the banks in hope of a greater profit. Jerome Kerviel’s case in 2008; where even the hierarchy turned a blind eye to his risks due to the profit he was generating, and Nick Leeson’s famous collapse of Barings Bank in 1995 are two such examples. Investments in environmentally harmful industries Environmentally harmful projects have been a major factor against Global Warming Awareness efforts. Such investments are being funnelled by banks who are less ethical in the area of sustainability. There have been numerous campaigns to counter banks from investing into unethical projects, some of which protestors even boycotted such banks. Citigroup the world’s largest project finance bank has been known to grant loans to these projects, which are harming the environment. Citigroup was indirectly related to the Camisea pipeline in Peru which has at least 5 spillages along the pipeline to date. Which not only damages the local ecosystems, but also detrimental to the livelihood of people around the world and threatens the well-being of mankind via climate change (Hogue, 2002). A glimpse of such unethical activities reveals something prevalent. It destroys our natural environment, by means of deforestation and the release of harmful gases from the burning of fossil fuels. However, Citigroup has yet see that their funding of major oil drilling and pipe laying companies not only worsens the global warming situation but also encourages environmental insecurity. Several other big-scale European banks, such as Dutch Bank and ABN Amro, came up with a policy which prevented funding of these industries. According to (ABN Amro’s) sustainability policy, â€Å"limited to financing of companies or projects related to timber, paper, agricultural plantations, mining and/or oil and gas. The bank would consider exceptions only â€Å"when extractions are delicately prepared, and holds responsibility on issues of national forest management. † A positive example of how banks can fund environmentally friendly projects can be seen from analysing the Banking Environment Initiative (BEI), it aims to lead the banking industry in directing bank investments towards environmentally and socially sustainable economic development. The objective of the BEI is to also unravel ways to invest in clean energy and soft commodities. As quoted from (CPSL, online), â€Å"the group, currently comprises of 10 global banking institutions which stretches across Asia to Europe, the United States and Latin America. † The best way of creating a united force amongst them was if they were acting on behalf of their clients. Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) has the intention to eliminate deforestation from their supply chain. As such they would prefer to form alliances with banks and work together to counter and ultimately eliminate deforestation. Banks have got to find ways to come up with a significant source of funding to finance the journey to sustainability. 4) False Accounting Frauds False accounting fraud, defined by the United Kingdom’s police, is the practice where a business, works in tandem with an accounting firm to overstate or understate company’s asset or liabilities with the intention of making the business appear financially stronger or healthier than it really is. As there are a multitude of reasons to commit false accounting fraud, we will not be listing all. False accounting allows for a corporation to gain higher credit ratings, report unrealistic profits, and hide losses to appeal to potential shareholders with an inflated share price. Some extraordinary cases which occurred regarding the falsification of accounts are such as the Enron scandal in 2001; where the audit and accountancy firm, Arthur Andersen was involved and convicted of assisting in audit fraud and subsequently dissolved. Enron was declared bankrupt and new laws were instituted to increase the accountability of firms who are auditing to remain independent of the clients whom they audit. Didn’t the code of conduct promise proper handling of UBS’s assets? He first began his illicit deals in late 2008, doing it for personal gains while covering his tracks with false accounting to the back office. This led to the back office being ignorant of the unauthorised trades as the regular books did not show it, instead, the profits were filed into a secret account called his Umbrella. Adoboli’s desk colleagues admitted to being in the know of the secret accounts, and his two bosses did not enquire into the suspicion despite the daily trading maximums being exceeded. This breakdown in corporate beliefs at the managerial level led to the unethical trading arising within the ranks of the department, and it going by unnoticed. While the integrity of the individual must be questioned, the work culture of UBS could be a factor to encourage the individual to behave unethically. Since the incident, UBS has taken a few measures to facilitate the new risk management practices. Firstly, the bank has taken step to refrain from proprietary trading. A bank would engage in proprietary trading as it benefits firms to make extra revenue. However, the disadvantage of engaging in this form of trading is that with high returns, often comes high risks. Conclusion In summary, how ethical management is derived has no hard and fast rule. However, implementations such as a Code of Conduct, or a company policy helps in setting the tone right within an organization. Through the paper, it is seen how ethical dilemmas can arise on an individual level or an organizational level. If one were to follow the many trains of thoughts regarding ethical management, they would get lost in the plethora of unions and activist fighting for ethical beliefs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

‘Fire and Ice’ by Robert Frost and ‘The Day They Came For Our House’ by Don Mattera Essay

â€Å"The possession of power over others is inherently destructive both to the possessor of the power and to those over whom it is exercised.† George D. HerronThe modern industrialist society, in which we live, has been shaped by people in the possession of power, and the power of passion. The 20th and 21st century’s have illustrated clearly the deadly potential of power, and not just to the possessor of the power but also to those over whom it is exercised. The poem’s ‘Fire and Ice’ and ‘The Day They Came For Our House’ by Robert Frost and Don Mattera respectively, perfectly convey the idea of the destructive nature of power, the poems are both concerned with Mortality of Age. The ideal readers of these poems are people old enough to understand how harsh and cruel this world can be. Furthermore, people who can appreciate the sense of grief portrayed in these poems, as both poets investigate deeply the potentially devastating capability of humans to destroy themselves and others. ‘Fire and Ice’, written by Robert Frost, is a carefully constructed poem, which carries a straightforward message that emotions become destructive when they are too extreme, destructive enough, even, to end the world. ‘Fire and Ice’ holds the theme of Mortality and Age, also the destructive power of passion, Robert Frost also describes humans as complacent, throughout the poem. Rather then telling a story or receiving an insight, Robert Frost simply expresses an opinion. While in the poem ‘The Day They Came For Our House’ Don Mattera is telling a story of a place called Sophiatown. This poem is a vivid retelling of the experience that Don Mattera went through, and thus is very personal. The main message delivered by this poem is that power can be very destructive, especially if it is used against people with little or no power themselves. Don Mattera illustrates the struggle of the Africans that lived in Sophiatown, when it was being demolished by white people to make a white settlement. The themes of this poem are Mortality and Age and some protest, which come under the main theme of alienation. Also just like Robert Frost he describe humans as being complacent. In the poem ‘Fire and Ice’, Robert Frost creates a speaker whose conjectures about the world’s ultimate destruction are designed to reveal the deadly potential of human passion. To address his theme, Frost cleverly manipulates  the imagery of the title, ‘Fire and Ice’. Frost requires the reader to think first about the destructive powers of fire and ice, and then relate this to desire and hate. In order to understand the poem’s warning about the equally ruinous potential of unbridled emotion. In the lines: ‘Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice’ (stanza 1, lines 1-2), Robert Frost shows two different ways that could lead to the World’s ultimate destruction. These lines relate to the theme of Mortality and Age, because there is an inevitability of death. He then follows on with, ‘From what I’ve tasted of desire/ I hold with those who favour fire’ (stanza 1, lines 3-4), Robert Frost describes the power of fire and its metaphoric companion, desire. In these lines, Frost, has his own opinion of how the world will end, this shows how personal this poem actually is. Robert Frost, thinks that the world will be destroyed from desire and greed. He goes as far as saying that greed itself most probably will end the world. From this we can take that he is writing this as the oppositional discourse, because surely the dominant discourse would deny greed as taking over the world. Without a doubt desire and greed are portrayed intensely in the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ but also in ‘The Day They Came For Our House’. Don Mattera who wrote the poem ‘The Day They Came For Our House’, had the intention to show how dangerous uncontrolled power can be, it can destroy peoples lives and cause serious pain. Don Mattera, just like Robert Frost is writing this poem as the oppositional discourse. This poem is deeply intertwined with that of a protest theme. Don Mattera protests about the arriving whites coming to demolish Sophiatown. He describes their arrival as, ‘Armed with bulldozers/they came/to do a job/nothing more/just hired killers/’ (stanza 2, lines 1-5). This quote represents how insignificant the Africans are perceived to be, by the white people coming to demolish their town. Don Mattera explains no emotion in this stanza. He has done this to show that the white people also had no emotion in what they were doing. In his eyes they didn’t care, it was just another job for them. The lines, ‘We gave way/there was nothing we could do/although the bitterness stung in us’ (stanza 3, lines 1-3). Clearly illustrates the African’s lack of power. They can’t do anything; this highlights the destructive nature of power, and relates to the theme of mortality and age. This is portrayed throughout this  poem, Don Mattera, explains how it is pointless for them to do anything because they have no power. The whites who demolished Sophiatown gave into ego and greed, and used their power against the black Africans. This is a perfect example of power being destructive to those over whom it is exercised. Don Mattera’s cultural background has influenced this poem drastically, because he grew up in Sophiatown, which at the time was a vibrant centre of South African culture. His poem is very personal; this makes it easier for the ideal reader to relate to. Fully understanding this poem requires the readers to understand the hardship and pain that the Africans went through. The lines, ‘We stood/Dust clouded our vision/We held back tears’ (Stanza 4, lines 1-3) exemplify’s some of the pain and suffering that the Africans of Sophiatown went through. The reader of this poem would feel sadness toward the Africans of Sophiatown, and most probably anger towards the white people who demolished their town. But unless they have been through something similar, will not be able to imagine the true extent of the emotions that Don Mattera and the other Africans would have experienced. Similar to ‘The Day They Came For Our House’, Robert Frost’s poem ‘Fire and Ice’ can only be fully understood when the reader can appreciate the grief portrayed in this poem. Although not as personal as Don Mattera’s poem, it is still a depressing poem to read. Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California. Because he is American his poem varies in the way he has chose to write it, compared to Don Mattera’s poem. In ‘Fire and Ice’, Robert Frost describes a personal apocalypse. He writes about the power of emotions such as desire and hate to destroy the world. Robert Frost would have witnessed greed and hate and heard of wars and all the hate that fills the world while he lived in America. Thus he has made an opinion of his own explaining how he believes the world will end if these emotions are not kept under control. But unlike Don Mattera and the Africans of Sophiatown he would not have had hatred against him from an apartheid government that evicted 60,000 people from Sophiatown and he would not have been undervalued. Therefore he would not have felt what he was writing about, unlike Don Mattera. This also makes it easier to relate to Robert Frost’s poem, ‘Fire and Ice’ compared to ‘ The  Day They Came For Our House’. ‘Fire and Ice’, is also a text that has a very sophisticated style. The poem is written primarily in rhymed iambic tetrameter, although three of the nine lines are in iambic dimeter. The use of such rhythmic patterns makes this poem more musical and memorable. Robert Frost also uses alliteration in his poem, such as ‘favour fire’ (stanza 1, line 4), which shows that Robert Frost is privileging the oppositional discourse because he believes the world will end from desire. Furthermore, ‘Some say’ (stanza 1, lines 1&2), is another example of alliteration. Compared to ‘Fire and Ice’, ‘The Day They Came For Our House’ is a poem that is less sophisticated, it is more of a free verse poem. In a way this emphasises the poet’s case, because it shows the poem has being unbalanced and less structured, which is what Don Mattera would have felt when he was being evicted from Sopiatown. Don Mattera also uses personification in his poem. It is illustrated in the lines, ‘The sun stood still/ in the sullen wintry sky’ Don Mattera has used this to show how Sophiatown was intertwined with the environment. He loved the surroundings of Sophiatown just as much as the people who inhabited it. This makes it a much depressing poem for the readers as it shows his love for Sophiatown, a place that was demolished to make way for a white suburb called Triomf which means triumph in English. In the poem, ‘The Day They Came For Our House’, the last lines sum up the poem’s themes, but also sum up Robert Frost’s poem ‘Fire and Ice’. The lines, ‘The power of destroying/the pain of being destroyed’ is essential to both poems because it demonstrates the underlying discourse that underpins the text. That is, in our modern industrialist society we are all shaped by power whether it is by people in possession of power or the power of passion. I chose the poems ‘Fire and Ice’ and ‘The Day They Came For Our House’, because they reflected the themes of 20th and 21st century very well, themes which are Mortality and Age and protest. Also both were wonderfully constructed poems and both poems appeared simple to read through at first glance. However, upon further reflection, they both presented different facets, which made them more complex and elusive. When I examined both  poems, I could relate more to ‘Fire and Ice’ compared to ‘The Day They Came For Our House’. I do not think I was an ideal reader of the latter poem, mostly because the poet was of a completely different cultural background. I could relate to it in some ways, although I felt almost guilty when reading the poem. I felt like I could not understand the full extent of pain and sadness that the Africans of Sophiatown went through. As mentioned above ‘Fire and Ice’ is a poem that I could relate to much easier, because I understood Robert Frost’s opinion of how desire, greed and hate would be the downfall of mankind. Furthermore it was not as personal compared to Don Mattera’s poem. ‘Fire and Ice’ and ‘The Day They Came For Our House’ by Robert Frost and Don Mattera respectively, through their poems, show the notion of Mortality and Age, protest and essentially Alienation. Although both the poems express the same themes, the authors have chosen different ways to illustrate their feeling towards the subject. Robert Frost uses ‘Fire and Ice’ to simply express and opinion rather than tell a story, which is how Don Mattera illustrates his ideas. His poem is a vivid retelling of the experience that he went through. Both poets position the reader to identify with their ideas. They illustrate the fact that â€Å"The possession of power over others is inherently destructive both to the possessor of the power and to those over whom it is exercised† (George D. Herron). Bibliography Information Obtained From:’Robert Frost’, 2000, The literature Network,, viewed 21st May 2008. ‘Don Mattera’, 2001, Wikipedia the free encyclopaedia,, viewed 21st May 2008. ‘The day they came for our house’, 1999, Don Mattera,, viewed 21st May 2008.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business operation at Oz Supermarket

The retail industry deals with selling of the goods along with merchandise from any particular location. These locations might include the boutique or kiosk and department store. It further may come from small and individual lots or mail from the direct consumption done by the customers. It might also include services that are subordinated like the â€Å"delivery† (Lewrick et al., 2015). The â€Å"Oz Supermarket† has been one of such retail chains which are built to decrease the exit queues towards the â€Å"check out point†. Besides the important economic flow and ebb in the buying seasons the retail industry has been facing various problems overall. These are often dealt with. The following report explores the outlining of the retail operation. In order to achieve its aim, the steps undertaken are also assessed. Recommendations are made to improve the business process. The purchasers in retail may exist in the form of both business and individuals. Any â€Å"retailer† buys products or goods in huge quantities from the importers and manufactures in commerce. This can be done directly or via the wholesaler. Then it is sold in smaller quantities to the end-user. The retail establishments have been referred to as the â€Å"stores† or â€Å"shops†. The retailers lie at the end part of the â€Å"supply chain† (Çifci, Ekinci & Whyatt, 2014). The manufacturing markets view the retailing process as an urgent section of the distribution strategy overall. The term â€Å"retailer† can be applied where any service provider also delivers the requirements of huge number of customers. The electricity power for the public utility can be a good example of it. For the organizations like Oz Supermarket, the shops may lie on the residential streets or the shopping streets. It may consist of very little houses in a shopping mall. There could also be no house at all (Rezaei, Fahim, & Tavasszy, 2014). Further, the shopping streets might be for the pedestrians only. In several cases the shops might possess a full or incomplete roof to protect the customers. The online retailing is a type of the â€Å"electronic commerce†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is used for the B2C or the â€Å"business-to-customer† transactions and orders from mail. These are the forms of the â€Å"non-shop† retailing. The shopping is indicated as the act to buy products. In several cases it might be done for the necessities like clothing and food. On the other hand, in some cases it can be performed as any recreational activity. The â€Å"recreational shopping† often deals with just looking at and not buying. This is termed as the window shopping (Zakaria et al., 2014). For the non-shopping criterion it can be turned as only browsing that ultimately does not result in purchasing. The Oz Supermarket as adopted the PayWave technology for its customers. It is the latest, secure and contactless technology. One can spend less time at the cash counter. Further it provides freedom to perform the activities that the client wishes to. It never accepts any cash. The customer has to enter the card given during the entry for passing. There are special readers called RFID that are kept installed at the trolleys. As soon as any item is picked or selected, it becomes queued for the payment. Whenever it has been removed the item gets deleted. The customers go on bagging their items while shopping. As the shopping is finished, technically the customer has been absent from the store. The sum total of the items purchased is charged automatically to the user as he walks out of the shop. There has been no queue at the â€Å"check-out† point (Zolnowski, Weiß & Bohmann, 2014). There could be many customers who are devoid of such cards. This includes the children or the tourists. They approach at the front disk to deposit cash temporarily. They are issued with a PayWave card provided by the store. This allows them in shopping. They are capable of leaving the store just like other customers. The balance is needed to give back in cash. It may also be recorder in the database for balancing during future visits (Amin & Broadbent, 2015). Whenever there has been any insufficient amount to cover up any purchases the alarm is set to be ringing.   The tag to each item with the RFID chips exerts additional overheads. The store manages the cost as interest from the customers who had been in rush. The summary stations of the shopping have been placed strategically in every corner of the store. It allows the customers to observe the in detailed list of the items present in trolley (Hanà §erlio?ullar?, ?en & Aktunà §, 2016). The store parks of car have been also time d by the minute when the shopping period is at its peak. During the non-peak times the rates of car park has been lower. The disabling of the parking has been free. The recommendations to Oz Supermarket are as follows: The using of the cloud-based software: It can be helpful in tracking and managing the inventory within real time. This is due to the reason that the retailers has been struggling to balance the customer behavior that are uncertain. They also further face problems from the complex and long supply chains. So, the cloud based software is helpful to make into use. Making sure that the supply chain and the marketing supply chains are in synchronization: Whenever there has been any executing of a promotion, many retailers unnoticed or avoid the alignment in marketing teams and supply chain. The above recommendation is important if any successful launching of the promotion is desired (Pantano, 2017). The employee turnover has been a vital factor disrupting the productivity of retail. It has been hard to get the best out of every individual. It occurs when the team members has been leaving constantly to pursue additional scopes. By engaging them more, the retailers extend the presence of any employee. This saves them money and time. From the very first, the retailers along with their suppliers have been focusing on delivering quality goods to more number of distributions. This was also meant to be done faster. However, in the present scenario they have been under more pressure than before. The retailers require knowing the places where the things are at every time in order to stay competitive. This helps in redirecting the shipments, responding to latest demands and rebalances the inventories that are on fly.   Additionally, they might face any barrier regarding the â€Å"supply chain†. Moreover, they could be unable to receive products in the stores or to the customers. In such cases the retailers along with their suppliers risk in losing their customers. For this reason the above recommendations might be useful. The retail business posses direct communication with the end-users of the services and goods within the value chain. This business acts as the intermediate force between the suppliers and end-users like the manufacturers or the wholesalers. Thus they have in the situation to interact effectively to the changing preferences and responses of the clients towards the sales person or suppliers of the company. This has helped the markets and the manufacturers to define their products again. The changes to the components of the strategy of marketing are also done accordingly (McWilliams, Anitsal & Anitsal, 2016). The manufacturers have needed an effective network for retail. This has been both for the product’s reach and obtaining a strong platform for point-of-purchase advertising and promotions.   The importance of the retailing in the overall value chain is needed to be realized while interacting with the customers. In this manner various manufacturers have intruded into the business of retail. They have set up various exclusive stores for their company’s brands. Direct interaction with the customers has not only occurred here but this method has also served as the advertisement for the firm. It has also helped in delivering the manufacturers by bargaining ability with other retailers. These other retailers are those who have stocked the product of the retailers of the business concerned here (Cartwright, 2013). Moreover, the retailing process has also provided extensive sales, supporting of people for products. These have been intensive in information like the cases of â€Å"consumer durables†. The environment of the retail store acts as a unique role in current world of technologies. The customers create relationships with the firms by various channels and devices (Lee, 2014). However, there are instances where element of the in-person interaction are added in the firms. Here the associates represent voice and face of the company.   The use of surveys gathering the voice of customer indicates about the experience at the store. This has been an effective method top understand the associate. The measurement of the impact of the tactical behaviors is done here. Adding various tactical questions of behavioral type helps in identifying particular behaviors of the associates. The quantifying of their influence on the satisfaction of the customer also helps. Moreover, the satisfaction of the customer could be tied to the â€Å"bottom line†. This could be done by looking at the behavioral information along with transactional information. This helps in understanding the pr imary behaviors has been influencing the revenue. Everyone should be involved in the feedback process. As the corporate believe in anything as important, it helps the staffs to understand their responsibility in the success of the company. This motivates them to continue quality work. The tracking and socializing of progress occurs in the customer feedback process. Here the results of progress are needed to be tracked. In the executive level, regular reports are needed to be sent indicating the influence of minor improvements. It is also done due to designate any executive champion socializing results from below (Ivanauskien? & Volung?nait?, 2014). Lastly the celebrations of victories are done. As any staff feel recognized and are appreciated for their quality activities, they become more receptive towards the constructive criticism. The significance of product quality review should be considered in retail. This is due to its higher quality in price relation and the value for customer. The product qualities are assessed by eight dimensions of product quality. They are product features, product performance, product conformance, serviceability, perceived quality, durability and aesthetics of products. Highly competitive and intensified industry of retails has been compelling companies to go through the strategies yielding larger value for the customers (Germann et al., 2014). Various small retailers would be unable to survive in the market due to the big retailers providing higher value from the perspective of quality of service and quality of product. The negative product quality review can effect in declining the quality of the product. Despite this, there have been various positive aspects to the e-commerce. The issue of decline in quality of product can be eradicated in near future. This must be alarming to the makers of public policy and consumers those who champion the relevance of the online shopping (Choi et al., 2015). In the current competitive market of retailing, as there is any improvement in the service quality the expectation of the customer and the lateral demands at the level of service improves with time. Using the â€Å"Customer Relationship Management† software: These types of software are also useful in managing the experience of the customers. The â€Å"Customer Relationship Management† or CRM software covers a wide collection of application. It is designed to businesses control various processes. This includes automate sales, knowledge and training, resources or assets, marketing, customer support and customer interaction. As the CRM software helps in managing the relationship between the business and the customer, likewise the CRM software systems are utilized to manage various elements (Pousttchi & Hufenbach, 2014). This includes the contact wins, sales leads, clients, contacts, enterprise and the employees. The current software is highly customizable and scalable. They view the opportunities of the business with the predictive analytics. It also includes personalized customer services and streamlines operations. This has been on the basis of the known history of the customer. The prior interactions of them with the business are also looked at. However, the CRM has been difficult to use in several cases. The main concerns of the CRM solutions have been the security, scalability and stability as an â€Å"Enterprise Application†. The usability has never been the main portion of CRM that has resulted in failure of software projects more often. This has been largely attributed to the undue complexity (Venkatesh, 2016). Despite these with the rise in adopting of the CRM applications, the current CRM â€Å"software vendors† utilize the â€Å"usability as the central section† of the products. Amin, A., & Broadbent, D. (2015). Importance of Green Service Offerings for French, Dutch, Swedish and UK Retailers in their Selection of Transport Operators: A study of French, Dutch, Swedish and UK companies operating in the retail industry. Cartwright, J. (2013). A Comparative Case Approach of the Retail Industry: Comparing the Nature of HRM, Emotional Labour and the Influence of the Customer. Choi, S. H., Yang, Y. X., Yang, B., & Cheung, H. H. (2015). Item-level RFID for enhancement of customer shopping experience in apparel retail.  Computers in Industry,  71, 10-23. Çifci, S., Ekinci, Y., & Whyatt, G. (2014, July). A cross validation of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) scales in fashion retail industry. In  2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore  (pp. 1459-1468). Germann, F., Lilien, G. L., Fiedler, L., & Kraus, M. (2014). Do retailers benefit from deploying customer analytics?.  Journal of Retailing,  90(4), 587-593. Hanà §erlio?ullar?, G., ?en, A., & Aktunà §, E. A. (2016). Demand uncertainty and inventory turnover performance: An empirical analysis of the US retail industry.  International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,  46(6/7), 681-708. Ivanauskien?, N., & Volung?nait?, J. (2014). Relations between service quality and customer loyalty: An empirical investigation of retail chain stores in emerging markets.  American International Journal of Social Science,  3(2), 113-120. Lee, W. H. (2014). A Study on the Customer Behavior of Using Retail Industry Application. Lewrick, M., Williams, R., Maktoba, O., Tjandra, N., & Lee, Z. C. (2015). Radical and incremental innovation effectiveness in relation to market orientation in the retail industry: triggers, drivers, and supporters.  Successful Technological Integration for Competitve Advantage in Retail Settings, IGI Global, 239-268. McWilliams, A., Anitsal, I., & Anitsal, M. M. (2016). Customer versus Employee Perceptions: A Review of Self-Service Technology Options as Illustrated in Self-Checkouts in US Retail Industry.  Academy of Marketing Studies Journal,  20(1), 79. Pantano, E., Priporas, C. V., Sorace, S., & Iazzolino, G. (2017). Does innovation-orientation lead to retail industry growth? Empirical evidence from patent analysis.  Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,  34, 88-94. Pousttchi, K., & Hufenbach, Y. (2014). Engineering the value network of the customer interface and marketing in the data-rich retail environment.  International Journal of Electronic Commerce,  18(4), 17-42. Rezaei, J., Fahim, P. B., & Tavasszy, L. (2014). Supplier selection in the airline retail industry using a funnel methodology: Conjunctive screening method and fuzzy AHP.  Expert Systems with Applications,  41(18), 8165-8179. Venkatesh, J. (2016). RFID technology: improving efficiencies and creating a better customer experience in retail industry.  International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering,  6(12), 81-94. Zakaria, I., Rahman, B. A., Othman, A. K., Yunus, N. A. M., Dzulkipli, M. R., & Osman, M. A. F. (2014). The relationship between loyalty program, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in retail industry: A case study.  Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,  129, 23-30. Zolnowski, A., Weiß, C., & Bohmann, T. (2014, January). Representing Service Business Models with the Service Business Model Canvas--The Case of a Mobile Payment Service in the Retail Industry. In  system sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on  (pp. 718-727). IEEE. End your doubt 'should I pay someone to do my dissertation by availing dissertation writing services from

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Public Health Care challenges with budget costs Essay

Public Health Care challenges with budget costs - Essay Example Most of the objectives of public health are difficult to meet due to insufficient funding. It is worth noting that the health of a community is dependent on an association formed between the public health sector and the curative sector. Over emphasis on one sector at the expense of the other pauses a major challenge. Public health is a wide field that covers numerous types of diseases. Public health services and activities not only cover prevention of communicable diseases but also lifestyle diseases. Several methods are used to achieve these goals. These methods include education, prevention modes such as vaccination and dietary methods, control of existing cases to reduce infection and elimination of the causative agents. All these activities require a thorough undertaking that requires numerous financial resources. The majority of public health administrators and personnel are unable to achieve their goals and objectives due to insufficient funding of the public health sector. In the United States, only three percent of the national spending goes towards public health services. This situation prevails in most countries worldwide despite the numerous complaints by the public health sector. Some of the factors that make it hard for the sector to source fund from governments include issues such as over emphasis on curative medicine as this appears to have more physical or case evidence. Another challenge in the public health sector in the funding process is that many countries are experiencing challenges balancing their budgets. It is a major challenge in the third world countries that do not have sufficient resources to spend as much as they would want to in the public health sectors. This strain is not only a challenge in the third world and developing nations but also in developed countries. For instance, the US is struggling to cover the deficit that has now stretched over the recent

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Valhalla Partners Due Diligence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Valhalla Partners Due Diligence - Case Study Example Moreover, since 2002 it has been showing sustainable growth, and according to the projections, TX would achieve more than $50,000,000 million in annual revenue within four years with $5mm incremental profitability. Hence, in immediate future, the company would attain a considerable market position by maintaining an average deal size. The average one-time software revenue per deal point $250,000. Considering all these positive factors, Art Marks should vote to invest in Telco Exchange. As far as the risk factors are concerned, TX is led by a very traditional mode of the management team with a 70-year-old man as the CEO and his son as the CTO. However, Telco’s highly efficient software would address many of the so-called managerial limitations. Moreover, if Telco Exchange is ready to substitute the CEO with someone proposed by Valhalla, the issue cannot be counted as a constraint to the growth of the firm. As compared to the above stated competitive advantages, threats from comp etitors and managerial weakness are of little relevance to the investment plan. What Mark should assess more is the firm’s scope for business expansion and customer retention. Since investment memo evidently indicates the sustainable profitability of TX, Mark can vote to make an investment in this firm. 2. According to the investment memo, the most prevailing risk factor is the upcoming competitors. For instance, companies like Tango, Stonehouse Technologies, Teldata Control, Profile, and QUantumShift are more likely to come up with solutions for invoice processing through their software solutions. Secondly, a more advanced form of products can be expected from vendors who specialize in financial management. However, the most potent aspect of the TX lies with its ability to address rather basic problems through its integrated solutions which the rivals do not have in common. For example, Aberdeen’s solution tends to narrow its focus on cost management and does not addr ess strategic management. However, it is trying to complete outsourced solutions like dispute resolution services. Finally, as discussed earlier, the company’s mode of management is comparatively unproven and weak. However, this risk factor could be easily overcome once the TX is willing to agree with Valhalla’s proposal. As compared to other firms’ outsourcing approaches, Telco’s solutions’ direct strategies are highly effective. To be a bit skeptical about the consistency of the firm’s sustainability, one can point out the atypical track record of TX. To illustrate, TX has been seeking a series of financing since its beginning. Moreover, the emergence of the firm itself is strange in its nature. In fact, the company originated as an internal project of CICAT Networks which was also a subsidiary of Fairfax. However, since Telco Exchange has the provision to help to automate the ordering process, it can make the data available for all partie s involved. Hence, TX is highly leveraged with technological backup to meet the required standards of corporate policies. 3. Valhalla’s due diligence process seems brilliant from an investor’s point of view. Its due diligence calls identify the TX’s ability to compete with all other companies with its most integrated telecommunications management solutions. The diligence process has given higher emphasis on safe investment to ensure partners privileges. The memo clearly indicates the strong and weaker areas of TX along with very reasonable business forecasts.  Ã‚  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Brazil's development will attempt to lead sustainability for the next Essay

Brazil's development will attempt to lead sustainability for the next World Cup - Essay Example Introduction 1.1 Background Sports, conferences and entertainment events have become major events in which environmental sustainability has emerged as an important theme (Ponsford, 2011). Every event claims to be environmentally conscious but the extent to which the authorities take steps to attain sustainability remains a debatable issue. The event organizers should be responsible for making the first step towards sustainability as they make a major impact on the environment (Hill, 1998). The first step involves preparing an action plan based on various factors that are set together to create an event. Brazil is due to host the World Cup in three years’ time and the infrastructure development that this event calls for, is tremendous. Brazil is expected to invest US$18.7bn for the 2014 FIFA World Cup which will fund 50 projects in 12 Brazilian host cities (Portal Brasil, 2010). The Minister for Sports claims that the development of Brazil to meet the demands of the event would greatly improve the country for the citizens. 1.2 Rationale for the study Hosting the World Cup requires the nation to be prepared in three main areas – the stadium, airport and transportation, and accommodation (De la Cerda, Fernandes, Huebner, Madanes & Suarez, 2011). Brazil is poised for growth since its foreign exchange policy is liberalized. The success of an event is not merely limited to whether the event was economically profitable. For most mega events economic benefits are overstated in order to justify the public expenditure by the federal government (Karadakis & Kaplanidou, 2010). It can cause tremendous debts as in the case of Montreal 1976 as it was burdened with capital and interest costs; as resources become scarce price inflation is likely for goods and services. The general population could also be burdened in terms of additional taxation to pay for the cost of hosting. Opportunity costs also arise when the government is unable to raise enough funds to host the event. A reasonable ratio between the profit generated and the costs incurred is based on short-term effects, and is derived from induced demand stimulus (Muller & Moesch, 2010). However, an event can be sustainable only if the added infrastructure continues to generate revenue and pay for its maintenance. Sustainability is not limited to environmental concerns but can expand to other regions as well. 1.3 Research aims and objectives With the aim to evaluate what steps the authorities have taken to ensure that development attempts will lead to sustainability for the next world cup, the objectives of the study are: To determine the likely damage to the environment and suggest measures for sustainable management To determine the likely impact of the World Cup 2014 on the GDP of Brazil and its population in the future generations To evaluate if Brazil is moving towards a sustainable event This study has great significance because event managers/organizers globally would make consc ious attempts while planning events to ensure minimum damage to the environment, to the people, to the nation as a whole. 2. Literature review 2.1 Definition – events –

Faults in U.S. Intelligence Operations Carried over from Persian Gulf Assignment

Faults in U.S. Intelligence Operations Carried over from Persian Gulf War I to Persian Gulf War II - Assignment Example The war was successful due to the fact that no much resource was used during the war and only estimated 300-Allied soldiers lost their lives. Twelve years down the line, the U.S. and its allies again initiated another war with Saddam Hussein in 2003 with a view to toppling his regime. The reason for Iraq’s invasion according to the then U.S. president George Walker Bush, and the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair was that their intention was to disarm Saddam of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and stop Saddam from supporting terrorist as well as liberate the people of Iraq3. The war ended after several months of fighting with the culture of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad Iraq. Despite the success in the two wars, the U.S. intelligence services have been faulted for not doing its work as expected. This was mainly manifested during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. After discovering the faults, the U.S. intelligence service took several initiatives aimed at rectifying the faults to avoid a repeat of such errors in subsequent operation. Despite these attempts, the question that one may ask is whether the US intelligence op eration made similar faults during the Persian Gulf War of 2003? The objective of this paper is to analyze whether the faults in US intelligence operations were carried over from the Persian Gulf War of 1991 to the Persian Gulf War of 2003. Intelligence department plays a major role with regard to the provision of vital information that may help country strategize in time and combat any security threat5. Provision of timely and accurate information is important because it may help a country prepare in terms of defence and put in place the necessary resource needed to prevent any security threat. This has been a major concern for the United States government since the end of the Cold War. Nevertheless, some of the intelligence services have failed the government of U.S. with regard to the provision of vital information regarding  uncertainties and early warning. This was witnessed during the Persian Gulf War of 1991 when the I MEF failed to provide a strategic warning during months Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Developments in Pakistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Developments in Pakistan - Essay Example The rulers and administrators of Pakistan had a tough task in dealing with the internal squabbles and maintaining the law and order situation. Pakistan shot into international fame, not because of its achievements in the economic field, but for its terrorist leanings. Whether it supports the international terrorism or not, is a highly debatable question even today. Its leadership asserts that it does not, but India and America strongly believe that it does! The developments in Iraq, the 9/11 terrorist attacks that rattled America in the year 2001,and the subsequent rise in global terrorism, whose base is in Afghanistan and the border districts of Pakistan, has brought this country to the international scene. Due to Americas close alliance with Pakistan for strategic reasons, this country is always in the limelight for one reason for the other, during the last decade. It emerged out of isolation and is a newsworthy country in the international press. â€Å" In October 1999, Pakistanà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Chief of Army Staff Gen. Pervez Musharraf replaced Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless coup. Following the military overthrow of an elected government, Islamabad faced considerable international opprobrium and was subjected to automatic coup-related U.S. sanctions. The September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and Musharraf’s ensuing withdrawal of support for the Afghan Taliban regime, however,had the effect of greatly reducing Pakistan’s international isolation.†(PDF-Pakistans....) From the point of view of policy declarations, USA avers that Pakistan is a vital ally in the international anti-terrorism coalition. USA is fully aware of the shortcomings and limitations of functioning of the Pakistans political leadership, where religious fanaticism rules the roost. USA wishes to lend a helping hand in strengthening

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic Assignment - 1

Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic - Assignment Example This forms the need to write this report. NAFTA is an example of trading bloc in USA, which came into effect in January 1 1994. It is the largest trading bloc in the world and for this reason; we have used it as a basis of our argument. We have also used other trade deficits to back up our arguments. A free trade area is a form of integration in the countries represented. The countries enter to either a bilateral trade agreement or multilateral trade agreement. We shall define the meaning of the two different types of trade and give an example on each. USA has entered into a number of agreements with different countries for reasons such as: boosting trade, gaining a wider market for its finished and unfinished products among others. Trade barriers such as customs duty and tariffs have been removed facilitating free movement of goods and services in the countries (Davidson 1990). Agreements such as NAFTA agreement that was precendented by United States – Canada trade agreement has had both positive and negative effects in the growth of economy of the country. In the next pages we shall look both at the positive impacts of trade agreements made by USA and dwell more on the negative impacts of the trade. We shall use the NAFTA agreement as the basis of our arguments and othe r trade deficits to backup these arguments. Also illustrations will be used to show the situation in the ground. Business free trade agreements are treaties made between two people or countries to remove barriers of trade between them. These barriers may include tariffs and taxes. These free trade agreements between countries also allow people to move freely with minimum or no restrictions in member countries. The business free trade agreements help in liberalization of international movement of goods and services across countries. Countries that have business free trade agreements sign a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Managing Communications in the Garden Company Assignment

Managing Communications in the Garden Company - Assignment Example The Garden Company needs to upgrade its communication processes as well as its information and knowledge collection strategies. This can be done through the systematic evaluation of its key strengths and weaknesses. Basically, this paper has based the management of communications, knowledge, as well as information about the centre of focus being landscaping/gardening business. The Garden Company is the business title in this case. A number of decisions are needed in the organization in order to achieve long-term growth and profitability. These decisions should start with the need to enhance the communication processes in the organization. Communication processes should be able to use a number of strategies that can help to achieve the long-term goals within a short period of time. Furthermore, the goal should be to achieve the long-term strategic advantage with an emphasis on innovation. Communication processes should be strengthened for the benefit of the employees and the customer segments of the organization. Another critical area where decision making is required is that the information collection and management processes must be strengthened to ensure that customer loyalty can be attained. The organization must be able to devise a collaborative strategy for success (Gary, 2002: p. 4). The organization needs to have information regarding its critical goals and objectives. This is an important part of the decision making process. Furthermore, it needs to develop an institutional structure that can help to attain the critical goals within a short period of time. Planning and appraisal is another key area where success can be attained by the organization. Monitoring and evaluation are helpful in decision making as it helps to ensure the success of long-term strategies. These approaches should be based on a careful understanding of the external and internal environments. The external sources of information for the organization come by tracking the feedback obtained from the customers.  Ã‚  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dear united nations Essay Example for Free

Dear united nations Essay For many children around the world, their early years are far from safe, a supportive environment they require to give them the best possible start in life is non-existent.  As well as the threats from poverty, disease, violence and war, children face commercial exploitation by adults who deny them their fundamental rights to protection.  Some 1.2 million children are now estimated by you (the UN) to be trafficked annually. Around 246 million children are also thought to be involved in child labour and an estimated two million children are currently enslaved in the global commercial sex trade. Everyday millions of children are exploited, abused, or are victims of violence. Bought and sold like commodities, children are forced to be soldiers, prostitutes, sweatshop workers, and servants, and the government sit around making predictions about child exploitation, but not doing anything to change it.  Poverty, conflict, HIV/AIDS, urbanisation and migration have led to the breakdown of families and support structures in communities. Families are struggling to cope. As a result, more and more children are at risk of violence, abuse, exploitation and being abandoned. Children are particularly vulnerable in emergencies because they are physically weaker than adults and risk being separated from their families. Food and water shortages do not happen suddenly and famine can be predicted and prevented, using surveys and early warning systems.  Children have particular needs in emergencies. They fall into three main categories: material (such as shelter and food), developmental (e.g., schooling and play), and emotional (protection and psychological healing). They have immediate needs that must be met, but some needs continue long after the emergency is over. These are things that we take for granted, but millions of children die every day from the lack of them. These simple things can be provided and can save the hundreds that die every minute. The main way to combat child exploitation and trafficking is by finding a solution to poverty. Poverty is a big issue in MEDCS around the world, particularly in Africa. Victims of child trafficking are mostly of poor families and from the developing nations. Think of how many victims are from the families of ministers, company directors and top politicians. The answer is negative, so the main problem is poverty. Emphasis should be on the distribution of wealth in developing countries. If the UN can cancel world debts to these poorer countries or wipe out the huge interest on them, then taxes in the countries can go down, and money can be spent on police services, schooling and providing a better quality of life.  The children of the world are the future of tomorrow. Should more be done to protect them? Definitely. Selling a child into slavery is the same as taking away their life. Those who traffic children should receive the same penalties as a rapist or murderer. Its inconceivable that most countries do not have laws that cover this, all Western nations should pass laws to make this a very serious crime it must stop!  The UN is in control and can stop all the madness, with a bit of time and effort then millions of innocent lives can be saved.  Yours sincerely

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Psychodynamic Theory Essay Example for Free

Psychodynamic Theory Essay What Psychodynamic Theory Has to Contribute to Our Understanding of   Counselling in a Multicultural Society? If counsellors are to discern very well their clients of diverse backgrounds or culture and their place in a multicultural society, psychodynamic theory may be particularly helpful in this respect. Theories and techniques used in counselling are diverse and it is imperative for counsellors to know how to use their knowledge of psychodynamic theory in conceptualising systems for both counselling and therapy. In psychodynamic therapy, which is an approach in counselling based on psychoanalytic theories, it is postulated that conscious and unconscious influences mold human behavior and social relationships. This concept of the unconscious is often associated with Sigmund Freud whose contribution in psychoanalysis can not be discounted. Psychoanalytic theory though, is not exclusively Freudian. Freud’s brilliant ideas and theories, were controversial. His theories were under attack from many directions and it was a good thing though that from his perspectives, many other psychoanalytic theories emerged as well. Carl Jung was famous for his collective unconscious and his oriental approach was unorthodox for Western psychoanalytic theorists. D.D. Winnicott’s transitional objects and good- enough mothering for instance, are interesting contributions to psychoanalysis as well. It should be fascinating to explore these theorists’ contribution to systems and approaches of multicultural counselling. In as much as these theorists’ perspectives seem to have distinct or even conflicting orientations, we may have the chance to look upon their theories, in many ways, complementary in the practice of counselling in a multicultural society. Their theories can prove to be useful at any point in counselling (or therapy) sessions in understanding clients, their unique history, individual concerns, and understanding their behavior, the impact of their past experiences to their present condition in life, and some of their underlying motives and beliefs. Sigmund Freud   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Psychoanalytic approaches to therapy and counselling originated from the works of Sigmund Freud. He viewed that people are driven by unconscious influences, a part of their inner world of which they are not aware of. He theorised that repressed unconscious thoughts and feelings could manifest through dreams, fantasies and odd behavior. Until after these repressed forbidden desires, hurtful memories and experiences are brought to conscious awareness, these were presumed to lead to irrational and maladaptive behavior. Based on this concept, effective counsellors can effectively draw upon these repressed thoughts and emotions through psychotherapy to ease their client’s depression or anxiety and to rebuild their client’s self-esteem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud’s concept of eros (sexual and life instincts) and thanatos (aggressive and death instincts) are considered motivating factors of personality, with the term libido referring to basic energy of life associated with Eros. Troubled individuals may manifest death instincts through destructive behavior such as, alcoholism, substance abuse, aggression (towards self or others), and even suicide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud theorised that the individual’s behavior is assumed to result from the interaction of three components of the personality: id, ego, and superego. The id is said to be the source of instinctual drives and operate in terms of the pleasure principle. It is capable of eliciting mental images and wish-fulfilling fantasies (Coleman, 1980).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second personality component is the ego, which intercedes between the demands of the id and the external world, and operates in terms of the reality principle. For instance, Freud believed that sexual or aggressive tendencies are in conflict with society’s rules and prohibitions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was clever of Freud to introduce the third personality component, which is the superego, or commonly known as conscience. If one has learned and adapted to the moral demands of society, the individual would have a better grasp of what is right from wrong. The superego serves as personality’s system of control to inhibit immoral desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Freud believed in the interplay between the id, ego and superego, and how it becomes crucial to behavior. Inner conflicts may arise because the id, ego and superego are striving for different goals. Inner conflicts could manifest as a mental disorder if not resolved. Another important psychoanalytic concept of Freud is defense mechanisms. For him, whatever pains or anxieties are eased by distorting reality, if one can not deal with it rationally (Coleman,, p. 54). Therefore, an individual’s distorted perception of reality poses behavior problems. This only happens though when the ego can no longer cope with the pain or anxiety by rational measures. Freud’s contribution to developmental psychology is his theory on five Psychosexual stages: the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages.   He believed that these stages of development could determine one’s defenses, anxieties, and impulses. A child who has been deprived of fully experiencing any of these stages may suffer fixation at that stage of development. The first three stages of development, the oral, anal, and phallic stages, are the most crucial, as one’s personality is molded at this time. If fixation happens at any point during this period, then the child would likely develop distinct personality type. From birth to 1 year (oral stage), the mouth is the principal erogenous zone and it is assumed that an infant’s greatest source of gratification is sucking. If the caregiver is overindulgent or depriving, then the child is likely to develop fixation at this stage. Some traits associated with overindulgence are optimism, manipulativeness, boldness and admiration. On the other hand, deprivation would lead to traits such as pessimism, suspiciousness, self-belittlement, passivity, and jealousy. Further, as Freud theorised, fixation at this stage, or when the individual did not receive adequate oral gratification during infancy, the individual is predisposed to excessive drinking or eating in adult life. When the child is about 18 months to 3 years (anal stage), the anus and rectum are considered to be the primary sources of pleasure. Either an excessive demand or permissiveness from a child’s caregiver, will lead to the development of anal personality. Other psychological problems that are thought to arise from this stage are obsessive-compulsivity and paranoia. During the phallic stage, or when the child is about 3 to 6 years old, the penis or clitoris is assumed to be the major source of pleasurable sensation. At this stage, the child learns to manipulate the genitals and becomes curious about the opposite sex. Curiously enough, Freud also believed that it is at this stage when the child develops intense sexual feelings for the parent of the opposite sex, or otherwise known as Oedipus and Electra complex. The Oedipal complex is the perception that boys desire to possess their mother. Freud thought that boys have incestuous cravings for their mother, even sees their father as rival, but they have fear that the father will harm them (castration anxiety). Likewise, the Electra complex is the assumption that girls desire their father, and want to replace their mother. The fear of the same-sex parent leads to sublimation of their sexual attraction for the opposite sex parent into non-sexual love, and they learn to identity instead to their same-sex parent.   For either sex, it imperative for them to resolve the conflict, such that when they enter young adulthood stage, they are likely to have a satisfactory heterosexual relationship. In the years from 6 to 12 (latency stage), sexual motivations are put aside and the child channels his energy into school, play, shared activities with friends, and sports. Finally, the genital stage, which is from puberty onwards, the deepest feelings of pleasure come from heterosexual relations. At this stage, the individual channels his energy into socially acceptable ventures such as entering into romantic relationships, establishing friendships, career planning and also some recreational activities.   Freud’s cathartic hypnosis was popular during his time, but more than the technique of hypnosis as a therapeutic cure to psychological illnesses, was his concept that feelings were drawn from the unconscious. His contribution stands out in the sense that he was the one who developed techniques such as free association and dream analysis in dealing with both the conscious and unconscious aspects of mental health. Freud emphasized the role of the unconscious motives and ego-defense systems, and the importance of early childhood experiences in the personality adjustment and maladjustment of adults, as well as the relevance of sexual factors in human behavior and mental disorders (Coleman,, p. 57). Freud’s techniques now used in contemporary psychodynamic counselling provide much deeper understanding of the (client’s) self, and can prove to be helpful in emotional, spiritual development and self-awareness. Carl Jung   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the most original and controversial features of Jung’s theory on personality was the concept of collective unconscious. He theorised the existence of universally shared motives, drives, potentials, fears and symbols that human beings have more or less the same collective unconscious. Collective unconscious is defined as the â€Å"storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from one’s ancestral past† (Hall Lindzey, 1978, p. 119). Simply put, with this theory, there is probability of reviving experiences of past generations. â€Å"Humans are born with many predisposition for thinking, feeling, and perceiving according to definite patterns and contents that become actualized through individualized experiences† (Hall Lindzey).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If Freud’s â€Å"unconscious mind† is often associated with repressed forbidden desires, hurtful memories and experiences, Jung’s collective unconscious is a vast resource of subliminal contents and potential, which includes the â€Å"wisdom and experience of uncounted centuries, and laid down in its archetypal organs† (Jung, cited in Hall Lindzey, p.120). The collective unconscious can then serve a very good purpose to the individual. But, if this ignored by the ego, â€Å"the unconscious may disrupt the conscious rational processes by seizing hold of them and twisting them into distorted forms (Hall Lindzey, p.120).   Instances of irrational behavior could arise such as phobias and delusions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jung believed that the individual achieves completeness or wholeness only as fantasies, images and dreams from the personal and collective unconscious become accessible to the conscious self (Coleman,, p.58).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jung’s concept of archetypes refers to patterns of behavior within the unconscious mind. The most common of these archetypes are the persona, shadow, self, and anima and animus. The persona is tantamount to the social personality the â€Å"face† an individual has in his social relationships. A healthy persona could then mean good adaptation to the demands of society or the environment where one belongs. In some respects, Jung’s concept of the persona is similar to Freud’s superego. The shadow has some resemblance to Freud’s concept of the id. It is considered the hidden or dark side of personality that sometimes the individual is not even aware of. This part of the psyche would be difficult to accept. If a certain trait of another distress an individual, then this could be a reflection of his shadow. Traits such as laziness, attention-seeking, anger expression, etc., are usually kept from consciousness and is often projected to others. The self can be considered the sum total of one’s personality, the motivating factor of human behavior that causes one to constantly strive and attain wholeness. It was Jung’s view that the self can only emerge only if various aspects of the personality have fully developed (known as individuation) (Hall Lindzey, p. 124). Thus, this does not happen until one has reached middle age when one â€Å"begins to make a serious effort to change the center of personality from the conscious ego to one that is midway between consciousness and unconsciousness† (Hall Lindzey). Jung believed that one takes the journey toward individuation, spending almost half of his life individuating, and the second integrating. This concept has direct application and relevance to career counselling. Notice that most individuals who reach middle age begin to have more focus and sense of purpose, not wasting their time and energy where they do not fit or are not welcome, and extending effort only in activities that will lead them to their true calling. Somewhat parallel to Freud’s Oedipus and Electra complex which prove relevant to understanding one’s heterosexual adjustment is Jung’s anima and animus. This is much like the â€Å"yin and yang† of the Chinese, the masculine and feminine side of human personality. The role of biological hormones cannot be discounted, but from a Jungian perspective, this is more considered to be a product of racial experiences of man with woman and vice versa. Jung’s anima and animus may be of relevance in understanding man-woman relationships in a counselling setting. Man is supposed to â€Å"apprehend the nature of woman by virtue of his anima, and woman apprehends the nature of man by virtue of her animus† (Hall Lindzey, p. 123), and without regard to the real character of the other, their relationship will most likely lead to discord. Donald Winnicott   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The influential concepts of transitional objects, the good-enough mother and the true and false self are attributed to Winnicott. A transitional object is some sort of a security blanket for a child. It could be a favorite stuffed toy, baby blanket, pillow or any symbolic object that a child finds comfort in having. A transitional object helps a child cope with fear while their principal caregiver is away. The most influential person (object) during a child’s development would be the principal caregiver. In a counselling setting, the counselor serves as the transitional object, who gradually helps his client overcome frustrations and develop greater independence over time. The good-enough mother pertains to the principal caregiver whose parenting style fit the child’s developmental needs. Winnicott believed that caregivers have to be good-enough in providing the child’s needs, but not too much. They have to teach children as well to tolerate frustrations, and teach them the lesson of independence and self-sufficiency. Winnicott theorized that children’s needs, if not adequately met, could help develop a false self (this is somehow identical to Freud’s concept of fixation). On the other hand, when children’s needs are adequately provided, then, they are likely to develop a true self. A relationship based on trust, a relationship that is more real, will grow between the caregiver and the child. This concept may apply to counselor (or therapist)-client relationship. An effective counselor knows how to provide a safe â€Å"holding environment† for his client, and is adaptive to his client’s needs. The counselor knows how to respond to his client’s emotions with warmth and empathy, thus helping his client reveal his true self. References Coleman, James C., James N. Butcher and Robert C. Carson. Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life (6th ed.). Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company. Dakai, S.H. (2003). â€Å"Addiction Counseling: Examination of Various Addiction Counseling and Therapy Approaches.† Journal of Addictive Disorders. Breining Institute. Hall, Calvin S. and Lindzey Gardner (1980). Theories of Personality (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley Sons. McGinnis, James D. and Kenneth R.Thomas (1991). The Psychoanalytic Theories of D.W. Winnicott as Applied to Rehabilitation. The Journal of Rehabilitation. 1 July 1991

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Causes Of Traffic Congestion In Cairo Egypt Tourism Essay

Causes Of Traffic Congestion In Cairo Egypt Tourism Essay Even though, Cairo is considered as a largest city in Africa, it also expected that the traffic will be major issue to deal with. There are at least 18 million people live in Cairo in addition of 3500 newborns added to this number each day. Logically its not all 18 million people have car but the nature of streets are clogged because of the traffic (stop- go). Its difficult to discern any particular rules of the road because there are many streets are one way not always this rule is working. Its known that red light mean stop or slowdown and green light walk light mean its safe to cross the road, but its not necessarily to believe in that, the drivers are increasing the speed to get through red traffic light with horns blaring to stop anyone who might consider getting in their way. Sometimes they are driving over the pavements; the only thing that forces the driver to stop is no possible way to squeeze around. Even though Egypt have a despite schemes of modernization in many parts of Cairo, donkey-carts are still a prominent feature in many streets and they manage their way through traffic with their own system but what an incredible thing is many cars do the same, in addition they use the lane of oncoming traffic when their own lane are full. Traffic in Cairo is absolutely chaotic. If you are ever tempted to drive in Egypt, take a rest until you get over it, said Mohamed Abdel-Hamid, manager of an international bank in Egypt, who suffers the daily commute from Heliopolis to 6th of October City and have a real vision about the traffic jam and the accident that occur every five minutes, which make us believe that even the chaos has its own rules. As Abdel-Hamid said: lane markers on the road are merely suggestions, and traffic signals are only an opinion, we can notice that the driver is driving like madmen, he is free to drive down the middle between two lanes of traffic, honking his horn expecting from the cars parallel to his on each side to make a room if possible. This is not considered rude or in any way out of the place, Abdel-Hamid says with irony. Traffic was not that bad few years ago. Nobody respects traffic regulations now; everybody simply goes his own way. It takes hours and hours to go anywhere. Streets are blocked all the time, day and night, especially on 6th of October Bridge -it is crazy to drive on the bridge nowadays, added Abdel-Hamid. More than 7000 people per year have been killed and wound nearly 35,000 causes of road fatalities as experts mentioned, so will we reach to limit the number of vehicles. Its obviously now that Cairo is crumbling under the twin pressure of traffic and population. According to Mohamed Mursi Mansour, director of Public Traffic Authority of Giza Governorate, new initiatives to address the traffic congestion in Egypt and the issues surrounding road safety are now active in General Authority for Roads and Bridges. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on upgrading the safety and efficiency of the existing infrastructure in the short term, while mid- and long-term goals focus on increasing the width of roads, said Mansour. With refer to World Bank estimation of an urbanization level of 70% by year 2020. The most issues that are facing Egypt in urban transport are congestion, high reliance on road transport and traffic safety. Cairo experience show that the average speeds of traffic is less than 10 Km/hr. which keep in falling down with the increasing in the number of cars. As mentioned in World Bank report, dependence on public transportation is less than 65%. Abdel-Rahman sherif, head of South-Central Cairo Administration for General Transport, believes that the right solution is to develop an efficient public transportation system, such as the underground metro, also encourage people to use it, to reduce the number of private vehicles. A committee of traffic specialist and engineers should be formed to study the problem and draft a comprehensive master plan. I believe that Cairo is in dire need of better planning if traffic is to be streamlined, states sherif. Lets take a Dukki region as case in point, which was originally planned as a neighborhood of villas and boulevards. Owners of most villas in the district randomly expanded into more profitable high-rise apartment blocks. The streets and sewage system, however, could not cope with the resultant increase in the number of inhabitants, especially since few of these apartment buildings included garages. Planners, Sherif adds, had to expand the streets at the expense of pedestrian pavements a big mistake, in his opinion. Expanding streets and adding more fly-overs and tunnels is not always the solution to traffic congestion, Sherif argues. Rather, these measures encourage the influx of more vehicles into already congested areas. Nowadays, traffic in Cairo should be seen to be believed. Its more than like elemental force than a movement of cars. Absolutely there is many several forces contributed to traffic jam, these factor should be taken seriously and diagnosed before solution will be out of control. With refer to Atef Abdel-Ghani Fayad, whose working as general director of roads, he mentioned to the factors which might be considered as causes of traffic congestion: the population explosion, high frequency of daily trips by motorists, and urban and economic development. He also explained the need of efficient public transportation system and more qualified network of road and rails ways. Thats because the motorists make three trips daily in Greater Cairo as an average, with addition of population growth rate, its high at 2.4%: this means that we have an increase of nearly one million people every year. Its useless to lunch a project without studying the consequences adequately, like building bridges at Lebanon square in AL-Mohandissin, also Fayad was talking about this issue and he said: This area was originally planned for residential purposes, but now it is main cause of traffic congestion. The solutions we asked for should not be traditional, according to Fayad; we should study every small particular thing and take it seriously before we do it, also we have to get a drawing plan to study the network road, also we need to study the number and directions of daily trips made by motorists and commuters, after that we can tell and build the number of car parks needed. By increasing people awareness of traffic regulation and urging them to use public transportation are necessary, through efficient public transportation, and road maintenance. As mentioned by Director-General of Transportation at Ministry of Interior, Essameddin Asfour, there is a comprehensive plan on the table as to how to streamline traffic. people must be patient; when the completion of construction work of the bridge located in Lebanon Square as well as Al-Remayah Square comes to an end, this will alleviate much of pressure, as Asfour said. Asfour added: the ministry has also formed a committee of senior policemen whose task is to keep the congestion traffic areas clean, this problem is not only hard sometimes to solve by ministry but it also hard sometimes to be solved by experts and specialists in addition this case of problem is not the responsibility of Ministry of Interior alone, because the solutions can also be found by using information and communication technologies (ICTs). To the unexpected of many that technological solutions and applications can definitely put an end for this problem through a good use of database and instant information. Specialists and those are responsible about this problem should work together to find an outline for the path down which ICTs and transport can productively merge, adds asfour. Mohamed Abdel-Atti, an eminent transport expert, explains how ICTs will give a big help in traffic monitoring, especially monitoring traffic jams, like building up a powerful database capable of predicting bottlenecks and accident before they happen. Abdel atti explains that brining foreign technologies into Egypt market is not always good, so we should make our best out of them and adapting them to local needs and conditions. On the other side we should find a dire solution to secure the passage of pedestrians. The city streets are not organized; its difficult to cross the street. Its normal to cross one lane when thats all you can cross, then stand in the middle of torrent of whizzing cars waiting for the next opening. Death is inevitable, says Fayad sarcastically. The engineers and the worker on the site are always focus on traffic problems without taking in calculation that people and not cars are making the city as it is, also pedestrians go nearly always unconsidered. Fayad adds: cars are moving over pavements, which are no longer safe, and pedestrians have been forced into the center of the street, since becoming the main victims of traffic problems. To insure the safety to pedestrians passage, it was announced lately that there exists plan to build pedestrian tunnel all over Cairo, equipped with escalators. The first action is expected to start building the pedestrian tunnel in front of Cairo University in Giza. An equivalent tunnel already exists below Salah Salem Street in front of the Cairo Trade Fair grounds. Two other tunnels will be built in the areas of Abbasiya and Fustat, says Fayad. Officials wishes that after developing an efficient public transportation system, traffic will be streamlined and pedestrians will be able to walk and cross streets safely, Fayad added. Prime minister, Dr. Ahmed Nazif, has checked how is going the first project of public transportation in Greater Cairo which aims to include 200 buses as a first step. This project aims to release around 1100 buses through the three coming years, starting from this year also there will be 300 buses added to the 200 before the end of this year. The plan of this project is to provide 300 buses annually over the coming two years. The project also includes plans to develop the human resources for the workers and employees in Cairo Transportation Authority (CTA), as well as setting training program for administrative employees and drivers. Prime minister, Dr. Ahmed Nazif after he checked the first action of the project confirmed that Cairo is one of the biggest and largest city in the world with high population that normally cause a traffic congestion; however the government still fighting against the twin pressure which coming from traffic jam and high population. The government has decided to solve and work on this problem on two phases. Reduce the population through build new cities and improving squatters. There is a project exists and its aim is to get rid of kiosks to be implemented by the squatters development fund, Dr. Ahmed Nazif mentioned. The second phase with help of Cairo Transportation Authority (CTA)  Ã…   development and improvement is aiming to solve citizen daily surfing in Cairo traffic congestion, also encourage the people to use a public transportation instead of their own private cars. Dr. Ahmed Nazif keep the doors open for the private companies to participate in the mentioned project by including 1500 new air-conditioned buses by coming period, something which might encourage private cars owners to use special buses instead of their owns. Cairo is designed to home around 4 million drivers, but according to recent statistics confirmed that Cairo home 17 million at least, which obviously this huge difference will cause what called congestion and high population. According to this most Egyptians are waking-up on the noise of not duke but noise of horns, also they have the same routine at every morning at 8 am, the rushing torrent of buses, and once again at 5pm, passengers are getting in and out of the NON-STOP public transports while it keep in motion. In September 2008, the government takes an action against the new arrivals of new 120,000 vehicles to the Greater Cairo Streets, which was as mentioned by Abdel Azim Wazir, Cairo Governor: the Government has locate a space area outside the heart of the capital of Egypt, and the Government offices and ministries will be removed and rebuild it there, also it will stop build any more schools, universities or even government offices inside Cairo. After taking many opinions and comments also a recommendations from many responsible men and authorities, most of them are getting head-ace and confusing from this problem. But as view as traffic experts, they have another point view which is about the driving habits specially from what it calls microbus, most of Egyptians are using these kind of transportation with ignoring how bad the driver while he is driving holding horn all over the rout causing noise pollution and its not only this ,but also he doesnt respect the rules of the traffic even the respect of humidity. Microbus drivers are not wages by hours, but they wages by the number of daily trips the can do. So, they are throwing themselves in troubles with policemen also with most dangerous accident, that causes a high traffic congestions, also it need more than three hours to be solved. Because the government are not mentioned to the new traffic laws, thats why the drivers are keep ignoring the traffic signs, as Rehab Mahmou d said, a freelance business trainer.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Remember The Titans Essay -- Movies, Film, Coach Herman Boone

In 1971 Coach Herman Boone replaced a popular, successful white coach at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia, in that community's effort to finally integrate its schools. The school and community were angrily divided by the federal integration order, and the volatility of the situation was heightened by the abrupt demotion of Coach Yoast and Boone's promotion to Head Coach. In this movie Coach Boone is on a mission to try to get the white and black players to unite and play together as a team. He wanted the two races to become a team. Around that time, there was a lot of racism and a lot of schools were segregated, so the players obviously didn't get along with each other at first. A lot changed when Boone replaced Yoast for the head-coaching job for the Titans. The city had a hard time accepting the fact that the Titans now had a Black man as head coach. Coach Yoast agreed to be assistant coach and convince the white players to play with the black players. Now it was t ime for them to go to camp to see what they were really made of. They were ready for camp and ready to get on the bus. At first the busses were separated by Blacks and Whites, but Coach Boone didn't want that he wanted them to sit together. So one bus had the offensive players only and the other had defensive players only. He wanted the players to get along, so he sat one black player with one white player on each set of seats and told them that the player they sit with would be their roommate. It still didn't work out when they got to the camp. They still had their differences and wouldn't get along. When practices began they wouldn't have each other's back. The white player would miss a block just because the person he was blocking for was Whi... speech about being a perfect team, and that got the team ready for the second half. He said "We aren't perfect but this team is perfect, because we haven't lost a game until now." Coach Yoast said, "I don't want the other team to gain another yard." He said that before the second half started. The Titans ended up winning the championship and it was a great success story. In this movie I learned that you can never be quick to judge people based on their color, or the way they look, because their look doesn't tell you if they are nice or good people. This movie teaches you great lessons about life and shows that it takes hard work to succeed and to make a good team. Chemistry is one of the key things. Everyone should get along, and there should be no conflict between teammates. I have also learned that you shouldn't judge someone based on the color of their skin.

College Students and Alcohol Essay -- essays research papers

College Students and Alcohol College student drunkenness is far from new and neither are college and university efforts to control it. What is new, however, is the potential to make real progress on this age-old problem based on scientific research results. New research-based information about the consequences of high-risk college drinking and how to reduce it can empower colleges and universities, communities, and other interested organizations to take effective action. Hazardous drinking among college students is a widespread problem that occurs on campuses of all sizes and geographic locations. A recent survey of college students conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health reported that 44 percent of respondents had drunk more than five drinks (four for women) consecutively in the previous two weeks. About 23 percent had had three or more such episodes during that time. The causes of this problem are the fact that students are living by themselves no longer with parents or guardians; they earn their own money; students need to be a part of a group, be accepted; and they have the wrong idea that to feel drunk is â€Å"cool.† Although high-risk drinkers are a minority in all ethnic groups, their behavior is far from a harmless â€Å"rite of passage.† In fact, drinking has pervasive consequences that compel our attention. The most serious consequence of high-risk college drinking is death. The U.S. Department of Education has evidence that at least 84 college students have died since 1996 because of alcohol poisoning or related injury—and they believe the actual total is higher because of incomplete reporting. When alcohol-related traffic crashes and off-campus injuries are taken into consideration, it is estimated that over 1,400 college students die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries. Additionally, over 500,000 full-time students sustain nonfatal unintentional injuries, and 600,000 are hit or assaulted by another student who has been drinking. Administrators are well aware of the burden alcohol presents to the campus environment. In addition, the 1997, 1999, and 2001 Harv ard surveys found that the majority of students living in dorms and Greek residences, who do not drink excessively, still experience day-to-day problems as a result of other students’ misuse of alcohol. The prevalence of these â€Å"secondhand effects† varies across ... ... associated harm as a sole programmatic response to student drinking. They have proven to be ineffective. And finally, colleges and universities have to be inclusive of varied student subpopulations. They need to determine and address the special needs of groups such as racial/ethnic minorities, women, athletes, Greeks, students of different ages, and gay and lesbian students. Initial results from programs adopting an intensive social norms approach are promising. Several institutions that persistently communicated accurate norms have experienced reductions of up to 20 percent in high-risk drinking over a relatively short time. Together these findings provide strong support for the potential impact of the social norms approach. Although any case report in this text could be challenged methodologically, the results of each study are remarkably consistent. Nobody can control what students do, but colleges and universities can make them conscious about what is right and wrong or good and bad. This information allows students to act based on their opinions, not just drink because it is prohibited. To make students became responsible adults is the best way to combat binge drinking

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

In this paper, I will argue that Nietzsche’s view on punishment morally is skewed simply because I believe that a healthy moral individual would not be at rest while another human is being tortured. However, to a certain extent and in some specific situations, many would disagree with me. As for Foucault’s speculation on morality I will agree to certain extent as well. It is quite apparent Nietzsche wants to point out the irony pertaining to punishment. His perspective on punishment is that punishment –at least at some points in history, is a practice for the sake of to seeking retribution, revenge and ironically enough cheerfulness. Nietzsche characterizes the relationship between punishment and morality as historically dynamic and unstable, but, notably, at one times more in a cheerful behavior. Nietzsche criticizes retributivists (the people who judge others before they judge themselves) and utilitarians who seek justice or deterrence as the essence of punishment. Nietzsche argues that in order for the cruelty in punishment to be understood we have to learn to see punishment as always festival-like, or, punishment always involves a kind of festival of cruelty that contemporary moralists (e.g. utilitarians) try to hide with their somber, â€Å"downer† accounts of punishment (without cruelty). For Foucault—similarly or on the other hand, however, Foucault’s speculation on punishment and morality is that punishment is used, also for a variety of reasons, also unstable and dynamic historically. Foucault focuses in particular on a change in our ideas about punishment like Nietzsche. In the first situation, where punishment is more â€Å"festival-like† as Nietzsche would say, the joy is not for the people as much as it is for a festival to... ... punishment of the old regime† (Foucault, 111) Here, Foucault is describing how the powerful used the guilty as an example for the viewers. I want to compare this to a death sentence that is fairly commonly used in America. When someone commits capital offense a gruesome act, the American government will use its authority to portray its power. I agree with Foucault idea when he states that the viewers will in fact learn a lesson by witnessing the power of government over its citizens. Nietzsche’s perception however illustrates that the spectators should view this act as a cheerful one rather than one to invoke power. I personally feel that using punishment as a technique to make spectators joyous does not solve the problem that needs to be solved. As a healthy moral human being I believe that punishing someone should never be used as an amusing and pleasurable view.